Time for something silly

January 28, 2010

…may we all do better than a bag of dog food.


glimpsing my near future

January 10, 2010

May 20, 2010:

3:00 meeting at escrow with the young couple that is buying my house. They’re early to mid-thirties, both slender, she’s taller than he is, they make a good couple. weather is overcast and slightly broken. In a strip-mall suite it smells of xerox machines and flowery perfume. Over the course of an hour and a half we flip through several thick folders taking turns signing several papers within each. I’m very focused on this moment I’ve longed after for six months. As the final few penstrokes are laid down and we stand and hands shake around the room, the moment balances and levitates, and I allow myself to feel relief. I consider for a moment the tax implications, then I’m pulled once more to my planned exodus. I will build a world to share true wealth.

here goes

December 27, 2009

I was listening to Mind Over Matters this morning.  Stephen Bezruchka, professor of Population Health, was discussing “Capitalism and Health”.  Much like Robert Sapolsky and Philip Zimbardo, he finds that inequality is unhealthy.  After some time exploring related ideas I feel driven to sort out a better path to well-being – one that anyone can access. 

And following the suggestion of my friend Armen (after our blind walk) I started up this-a-here blog to get these ideas bouncing around even more.  I eagerly look forward to all comments and criticism (let’s see how long that holds up).